Event Profile

TPB CAV Webinar #4: CAV Planning Considerations – White Paper Findings and Recommendations

March 25, 2021

Location: COG Conference Call/Webinar Only

Free Event

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Please join us for the fourth webinar in the series dealing with Connected and Automated Vehicles’ impacts on the Transportation Planning Board’s and member agencies’ activities. All are welcome, especially TPB member agency and committee personnel involved in or with an interest in the topic. Featured will be a presentation on the CAV White Paper undertaken in 2020 to look at planning issues that will arise with CAV’s as they are introduced to the National Capital Region. Incorporating CAV planning into the TPB’s Visualize 2045 long-range plan update will be discussed as well. TPB is planning more CAV webinars, stay tuned for announcements on future events. Please refer any questions or comments to: Andrew Burke Transportation Engineer Department of Transportation Planning aburke@mwcog.org

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